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Farm Happenings at Rora Valley Farms
Saving Seeds for Local Adaption
We will be having a delivery this Thursday, September 30th (my 33rd birthday!). You will have until Tuesday, September 28th (my daughter's 3rd birthday!) at 11:59 PM to edit or skip your share this week.
Today I was planting some frisee endive that we grew from seed we saved this spring. In a1 read more »
Starting our Own Transplants
Hello from Rora Valley Farms! We will be making a delivery this week on Thursday, the 23rd. You will have until Tuesday at 11:59 pm to edit your order or choose to skip it.
Many of the crops we grow like lettuce, kale, onions, tomatoes, peppers, etc. are planted as seedlings. Instead of buying the1 read more »
Chickens on the Farm!
We will be making a delivery this week this Thursday, Septemtember 16th. You will have until tomorrow night at midnight to edit your order, purchase extra items, or skip your order.
This week we are supposed to receive our fall order of baby chickens! They arrive as 2 day old chicks and we will bro1 read more »