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Farm Happenings at Rora Valley Farms
Elephant Garlic Coming Soon!
When I first started farming I wanted to grow elephant garlic. Not sure where the inspiration came from, but I saw an ad in the Alabama Farmer's Bulletin for some seed garlic grown by an Alabama farmer. When I contacted him he said he had been growing it for years and saving cloves each time to gro1 read more »
Learning to Grow Good Tomatoes
In the past I have grown lots of tomatoes. Lots of tomato PLANTS that is. Which doesn't always equal lots of tomatoes.
I remember some years that I had hundreds and hundreds of tomato plants out in the field, loaded with tomatoes. As the season progressed the work would get away from me and t1 read more »
Harvest Morning on the Farm
This week I thought I would give you a snapshot of what it is like on harvest morning when we pick all your vegetables for the week.
The night before I print off the pick-list with all of the vegetable that you chose for your bags. Then the next morning I get out to the garden bright and earl1 read more »