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Farm Happenings at Rora Valley Farms
Farmship Dinner this Saturday! Please RSVP
We hope that you can join us for our summer farm dinner this Saturday, August 31st, from 4:00-7:00 PM here at Rora Valley Farms. We will have a farm tour and then enjoy a meal and time of fellowship with other members of our Farmship Program. I sent out a text invite a few deliveries ago but unfort1 read more »
We Need More Farmers
I am so blessed to be your farmer. It is a real privilege to get to work with my family as we heal the land and grow healthy food for friends like you. I know that I often take for granted the blessing of what I get to do every day.
In our country we need more farmers. On one hand technology1 read more »
Returning Life to the Soil! and Farm Dinner August 31st!
Hello Farmship Friend!
We missed getting to delivery to you last week! As I mentioned before, I was in Idaho taking a 5 day intensive training in Korean Natural Farming. I learned a lot and am already beginning to implement some of the things I learned. We were taught how to collect local soi1 read more »