Farm Happenings at Strawberry Hill Farm
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Hot and Dry!

Posted on August 27th, 2024 by Ron Meyer

It’s been a hot, dry summer, and the trend is continuing. At the farm, running drip irrigation (sparingly) and watering crops is getting old! We could use a good soaking rain.

Even with the drought the tomatoes continue to do well, with some irrigation, and we have plenty on the farm stand this week. We still have red raspberries too, but they’re hurting for moisture and might stop producing early this year. Other produce this week includes: arugula, red beets, garlic, kale, sweet peppers, fresh herbs, flower bouquets, and a limited amount of sweet corn. We also have farm eggs and grassfed beef, our own strawberry, raspberry and blueberry jam, and local honey.

Trouble ordering? Text Mary at 740-552-9877 and she will help you.