Farm Happenings at Strawberry Hill Farm
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Farm Happenings at Strawberry Hill Farm

Tomatoes on the Rise

Posted on July 30th, 2024
It’s the beginning of tomato season at the farm, and we have heirlooms, regular red tomatoes and cherry tomatoes this week. Other items on the farm stand include: lots of cucumbers, many zucchini, yellow summer squash, red beets, sweet peppers, romaine, arugula, kale, garlic, new potatoes, fl1 read more »

We Have Cucumbers!

Posted on July 23rd, 2024
The ground has been dry, dry, dry, but thanks to limited irrigation our crops are doing okay. This week we have lots of fresh slicing cucumbers, and a good amount of fresh dill to go with them. We also have the first taste of tomatoes from our gardens, blueberries, red beets, zucchini and summer sq1 read more »

Heat, Beets and Beans

Posted on July 16th, 2024
It’s a hot summer, and crops are ripening earlier than usual. This week we have plenty of red beets and green beans, plus the first cucumbers of the season. We still have lots of blueberries, too, and some blackberries. Also on the farm stand: arugula, romaine, garlic, kale, new potatoes, fre1 read more »

High and Dry

Posted on July 9th, 2024
High heat and little rain have marked this summer season so far. The good news is that crops are ripening earlier than usual. The bad news is that Ron had to get out the irrigation lines, which of course he did right before we had 2 inches of rain! It was so dry, however, that the gardens are still1 read more »

Early Delivery This Week (Happy 4th)!

Posted on July 1st, 2024
ALERT! Due to the 4th of July holiday this week, we're taking orders a day early and delivering on Wednesday instead of Thursday. We have plenty of goodies on the farm stand this week: fresh garlic (pictured), blueberries and raspberries, mixed berries, the first zucchini and beets, new potatoes, a1 read more »