Farm Happenings at Strawberry Hill Farm
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Farm Happenings at Strawberry Hill Farm

Hot and Dry!

Posted on August 27th, 2024
It’s been a hot, dry summer, and the trend is continuing. At the farm, running drip irrigation (sparingly) and watering crops is getting old! We could use a good soaking rain. Even with the drought the tomatoes continue to do well, with some irrigation, and we have plenty on the farm stand th1 read more »

Tomato Bonanza

Posted on August 20th, 2024
The tomatoes just keep coming! We have lots of tomatoes on the farm stand this week, including pecks of paste tomatoes for cooking into sauces, juice, or canned tomatoes. We have heirlooms, regular red tomatoes, and cherry tomatoes. We also have plenty of red raspberries, plus beets, cucumbers, kal1 read more »

Fall Raspberries Are Here!

Posted on August 13th, 2024
The fall crop of raspberries is ripening, and we have the berries on the farm stand this week. We also have a LOT of tomatoes! If anyone would like a bushel of mixed tomatoes for canning/freezing, let us know. We can provide them for you! Other items on the farm stand this week: arugula, red beets,1 read more »

Tomatoes, Tomatoes!

Posted on August 6th, 2024
It’s definitely tomato season now, with hot weather ripening them fast. We have a great selection of tomatoes on the farm stand this week, along with red beets, arugula, romaine, cucumbers, kale, garlic, zucchini and yellow summer squash. We also have fresh herbs, flower bouquets, our own far1 read more »