Farm Happenings at Sungrounded Farm
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Broccolini, Garlic Scapes + Overwintered Onions

Posted on June 8th, 2024 by Ashley Thompson

We're excited to bring you some new crops from our field this week.  Our spring planted broccolini is finally ready and we're saving it just for you.  This is such a special treat and we love it sautéed or roasted.  It's a perfect easy side or addition to a bowl.  These first broccolini shoots are a little bit thicker.  Successive shoots are a bit thinner, but don't toss those stalks on these first ones, they are extra tender and we encourage you to cut off the very end but otherwise eat the whole thing, stem, leaves and florets!

It broccolini is new to you, here's an easy guide to sauteeing it to get you started.  If I'm not enjoying them as a side, I personally love to sauté these and then add them to a pasta dish.

I'm just as excited about the garlic scapes, maybe even more so because they're only available fresh for such a short time of year.  Garlic scapes are the flower stalk of a hardneck garlic plant and they're like the asparagus of the garlic plant.  We're planning to saute some up for a fresh veggie pasta dish tonight.  They can be used any way you'd use garlic but I like to make them the star of the show as much as possible, and they're great grilled whole, just make sure you don't char them to a crisp! Here's instruction from my favorite technical food blog, Serious Eats.

We've also got extra special yellow onions for you this week.  We planted these onions last October and they've braved the central oregon winter before coming to you now.  Onions are fairly hardy so with a little extra care we're able to bring you onions over a month earlier than we can with any that were planted this year.  Keep your eye out for walla wallas and reds coming soon.

These onions are fresh, so feel free to chop up the attached green top and cook it like you would a scallion or leek, it's a bonus!


In addition, we're bringing you Rainbow Chard and Lacinato Kale this week, choose your favorite or take both!  Lacinato Kale is pretty well known and versatile, but we know some folks struggle to know how to prepare chard.  This surprises me because it's one of my favorite greens!  One great option is to make it into a frittata (hint, use the top of your onion + scallions instead of leek here), or simply sauté it in some butter garlic and add a splash of lemon at the end and enjoy!

We've got a bit of a greens heavy week after so many roots in shares last week, but these bunched greens and Spinach cook down so prepare to pack in those nutrients this week!

Happy cooking,

Ashley, Caleb and the Sungrounded Crew