Farm Happenings at Sungrounded Farm
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Farm Happenings at Sungrounded Farm

Farm Stand is Back for the Summer!

Posted on June 29th, 2024
After a hiatus that went on longer than we'd hoped, we're back with on demand farm shares for you for the summer.  It's been a slow spring full of cool weather causing our crops to grow very slowly, and lots of pest pressure.  All of this resulted in a region wide shortage in fresh veggie1 read more »

Fourth of July Share

Posted on June 29th, 2024
Just a reminder that this week's share delivery falls on the Fourth of July.  Feel free to skip your share if you are unable to pick up due to festivities, but if you can make it we've got a great one for you this week. Cucumbers are making their summer debut this week, along with Sweet Walla1 read more »

Tomato Time + Napa and Fennel!

Posted on June 22nd, 2024
I am so happy to say it's officially tomato time at Sungrounded Farm.  With the warmer weather our tomatoes are finally ripening quickly and we're excited to offer tomatoes as a mainstay this week!  We even have some Basil available (though we don't quite have enough for everyone-- more w1 read more »

A chilly weekend for the veggies...

Posted on June 15th, 2024
I'm writing this on Saturday as we're preparing for a few potential frosts over the next days.  Most of our crops are hardy enough to weather a light frost, or are safely tucked into hoop houses (because central oregon does this to us all the time), but some of our storage crops just can't be1 read more »

Broccolini, Garlic Scapes + Overwintered Onions

Posted on June 8th, 2024
We're excited to bring you some new crops from our field this week.  Our spring planted broccolini is finally ready and we're saving it just for you.  This is such a special treat and we love it sautéed or roasted.  It's a perfect easy side or addition to a bowl.  These f1 read more »

Early Summer Beets and Turnips

Posted on June 1st, 2024
For boxes this week we've got some of our favorite early summer crops.  Some highlights this week include our special early season chioggia beets that are super sweet and have a beautiful bullseye pattern inside.  My favorite way to eat fresh beets is roasted and on a fresh salad with goa1 read more »