Last week was a doozy! Three continuous days of 100 degrees or more and our bodies and brains were fried. The week culminated with an irreversible error in our use of technology that was frustrating and confusing for everyone involved. Yet everyone was so gracious and understanding and even encouraging toward us despite the frustration they must have been feeling.
I am not sure I recommend making big mistakes to find out how wonderful your customers are, but it’s definitely a way to find that out. Y’all just embraced us as the fallible humans we are and moved on and if the cockles of my heart could have been any warmer, they would have been. It was a reminder of why we’re so passionate about growing good clean and healthy food for our community. It was a re-connection to our mission.
Perhaps this is even the purpose of mistakes: to humble us, to remind us of our own fallibility, to make us vulnerable, and then to be accepted and supported and reminded of the graciousness of humanity. These are the human traits to pay attention to, and we are overflowing with gratitude for them.

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