We survived this week's challenges of the precarious van that managed the stay upright, and Hurricane Debby's rains without calamity!
In the crops department heirloom tomatoes are beginning to fade as we get big into all sorts of peppers and eggplant. The first of the "winter" squash makes it's debut this week. We're entering a bean gap for the next few weeks. We've been busy planting all the fall crops just in time for this big rain. Enjoy your harvest!
Here's this week's blog:
Do you ever stop to think about what exactly it is that you value? I mean really dive deep into what makes you tick. It’s easier than one might imagine to lose track of these things in the slog of daily life. It takes a step back, a slowdown, an arresting of the madness for just a moment to safely examine what moves us. And then, once you’ve put your finger on that wriggling caterpillar of motive, to step back again and determine if your activities are actively pursuing those values.
I was reminded recently of one my own core values that my recent delving into more serious matters has me forgoing. That is the value of humor. I love to laugh. But I have not been honoring that value of late. And all it took was a movie to shake me out of austere torpor. Yes, that’s right. Deadpool, once again, has reached his unlikely hero’s hand down to me and lifted me back into a levity I had forgotten to miss.
Now that I have been reminded of the value of not taking myself too seriously, I will not entirely abandon the responsibility of the more serious delving, but also continue to reach for the ballast of joy. Of levity. It is not my intention to stomp so heavily upon the earth that my path descends downward into the darkness, but rather to step lightly and lithely onto the clouds, lifting others up with mirth instead of dragging them down with gravity.
As I am not immune to gravity myself, sometimes I need a hero’s hand.