Farm Happenings at Wild Coyote Farm
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Looking Forward

Posted on October 3rd, 2024 by Shelli and Paul Meulemans

As a regenerative farmer, we always have our eyes on the future, trying to leverage every action to improve the soil, which will have a positive effect for the coming years. This time of year, we try and shift our focus from this season on to next season, getting as many things done that we can before the real cold hits.

So far, we have cleaned up all the fields we can with some summer cover crops about to be grazed off and over seeded for winter and other areas that we have just transitioned going into winter cover. The plants that we choose to grow, wether it’s a short season summer cover crop, or a 2-3 year pasture mix need to be planned and seeded as timely as possible both for animal feed and for soil health going forward. In today’s photo, you’ll see the load of organic hay that was baled wet that we are using to mulch our strawberries for next year.

As we try and remain fully present in the here and now, enjoying this beautiful fall weather, we try and plan, keeping our eyes on the future. You all are part of that plan! Without all of you we wouldn’t be able to continue to expand and supply the community with the best organic produce around. Thanks!