Farm Happenings at Wild Coyote Farm
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Final box & news

Posted on October 10th, 2024 by Shelli and Paul Meulemans

The end of the season is always a bittersweet thing, but this week will be your last delivery. It has been a bit of an unseasonably warm fall, but as the days shorten, plant growth slows tremendously. Even with greenhouse production we have found it most prudent to just call it quits in the middle of October and look forward to another great season after the snow melts.

For this last box we are getting apples from Third Leaf Organic farm again for you all, and they are oh so yummy! Also, if you have any desire to enjoy our potatoes for another few weeks, you can get a better price on a 25# box. There is quite a bit of inventory in the system, so go ahead and load up as much as you like since this is the last delivery.

Did you like our custom produce program? Give us a review on Google! Here:

Also, this year we are switching to a new software for managing our produce delivery system and we need each of you to go to this new link and sign up for another great year of produce! You will only be required to pay for the first week of delivery to hold your spot and assure you have access to our limited capacity farm share. All the details remain the same, the only difference is that it’s a new software and it should work a whole lot better. Sign up here:
Please email Shelli at or text 269-277-3621 for any assistance or questions!

Thank you so much for supporting us through a great farming season. Please feel free to drop us a line by email if there are things you would like to see more or less of in the inventory as we plan another great season.

By supporting a local organic farm like ours, the benefits are numerous:

  1. The land we farm has increased health and sequesters carbon into the soil where it belongs
  2. The healthy microbiome in the soil is passed on to each of you
  3. Together we decrease the distance traveled for your food
  4. You can be sure the people who produce your food are paid a fair wage
  5. All of your money stays in the local economy
  6. By supporting a farm like ours, we can continue to make a larger impact on the community
  7. It’s getting late so I won’t bore you with more!

Our farm store will remain open year-round as usual. Watch for a meat sale on 2024 inventory coming up in preparation to fill freezers with fresh meat.