Farm Happenings at Wild Coyote Farm
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Farm Happenings at Wild Coyote Farm

Apple time!

Posted on August 29th, 2024
We are entering a season of transition. If it’s not planted by now, might as well not try, except for possibly baby greens. Not to worry though, we have produce out there that still needs eaten in the coming weeks! Last week we sent out potatoes in your boxes, we will continue to have them al1 read more »

Product Update

Posted on August 22nd, 2024
Potatoes? Yep we started digging them today! Quality and yield are looking good, so get the chili and cheese ready fall is coming! It feels strange this year actually because most produce is ahead of schedule. Even our late seeded pumpkins are turning orange. Well it’s been cool this week so1 read more »

Tomato Season

Posted on August 15th, 2024
I like to think that we have two season here on the farm, tomato season and winter, but we don’t always get tomatoes rocking quite that early in the spring. But, though we have tomatoes for a long time, there definitely is allot more that come out if the field in the summer time. Thousands of1 read more »


Posted on August 8th, 2024
With the cooler weather here on the farm, and half the produce boxes delivered, it feels like the season is entering a transition. Pretty much all the seeds for the season are already planted and the time of being able to adjust has passed. It is now our responsibility to nurse these plants all the1 read more »

Things that happen on the farm

Posted on August 1st, 2024
When August happens on the farm, you quickly realize that the pace of life in July, which seemed precariously hectic, has the potential to be outpaced. Day to day responsibilities become a mishmash of identifying the absolute most important tasks, with an eye towards accomplishing them as efficient1 read more »