Farm Happenings at Willow Haven Farm
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Getting Away

Posted on September 23rd, 2019 by Reuben DeMaster

The Farm Family is getting away for 5 days this week, after packing your boxes of veggies! We are camping in upstate New York, which is the first time we are leaving the farm overnight since the spring. Everything is being left in the capable hands of Pam, Andres and Jaysa. We are grateful for their hard work and for letting us go.

August and September have been very dry this year. We are irrigating our fall crops but we can’t do any tractor work because the ground is too hard to rototill.

Last year, September had much different issues. Here is a flashback to last September.

THIS IS WEEK 18 OF THE 20 WEEK SEASON.  You only have 1 or 2 boxes left (you can check exactly on your account here.


You are still going to eat vegetables, right? You still want to keep up your healthy habits and eat them fresh from your local, organic farm, right?

The fall share is easy to use and easy to cook.  About half of the 5 - 6 items will be veggies that don't have to be used this week or this month even, so the pressure is off. And many of the other items will be greens that can be used fresh or cooked. 

So, every week for six weeks will be EASY! Stock your winter pantry, eat fresh salads and cook a little here and there with the skills you learned this summer. You'll be golden!

Keep it coming by adding the Fall Share!  Sign up now!

Find out more and see our special sign up bonus here.