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Farm Happenings at Willow Haven Farm
Flowers are In Season! Treat yourself to a beautiful bouquet by Farmer Annika in Extras this week!
Harvesting: White Onions, Green Garlic, Patty Pan Summer Squash, Eight Ball Summer Squash, Lemon Cucumbers, Tatsoi, Cinnamon Basil, Purple Basil, Anise Hyssop, Kale, Parsley, Cabbage, Pickling & Slicing cucumbers, Green & Yellow Sumer Squash, Green Romaine Lettuce, Dill heads, Bee1 read more »
Beautiful Salads Makings & Pickle Possibilities coming in your box this week
Harvesting: Lemon Cucumbers, Tatsoi, Cinnamon Basil, Purple Basil, Anise Hyssop, Kale, Parsley, Cabbage, Snap peas, Arugula, Pickling & Slicing cucumbers, Green & Yellow Sumer Squash, Green Romaine Lettuce, Radish, Beets, Collards. ***Sometimes we have limited amounts of the first1 read more »
Cherry Preserves are Here + another PIZZA NIGHT this weekend
Hello Farm Friends,
Are you looking for something special and unique to do this weekend? Tired of the same old restaurants? You might really enjoy a night on the deck at the farm. You don't want summer to end before trying this pizza and there is only ONE MORE pizza night after th1 read more »
It's pickle time!
Harvesting: Kale, Parsley, Cabbage, Snap peas, Basil, Dill, Arugula, Pickling & Slicing cucumbers, Green & Yellow Sumer Squash, Lettuce, Radish, Kohlrabi, Beets, Collards. ***Sometimes we have limited amounts of the first harvests. If you love something above and didn't get any this time, c1 read more »