Farm Happenings at Blue Moon Farm
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Farm Happenings for July 7, 2021

Posted on June 30th, 2021 by Lorien Carsey

We started our onion and garlic harvest and we're selling them fresh, not dried. That means they won't store very long, so use them up. They are full of moisture and flavor!

We also have cabbage, beets and cucumbers galore. The farm is really pumping out produce, we're just missing peppers and potatoes. I am not sure what will happen with our potatoes after all this rain. I am sure that we lost some portions of the fields, I just don't know the extent of the damage. That being said, other farms fared much worse so we are actually lucky. The peppers will be OK, they are on their normal schedule of getting going mid-July. As for salad and arugula, we will be bringing them back in rotation soon. Ditto cilantro. We need to wait on some newer patches that didn't take on so much rain to develop.

In other news: carrot seeding starts next week. I hope I can get it right the first time and not have to reseed, but it's always a very tricky timing project. We want those sweet carrots, so we seed them in July in order to have them mature in time to catch the October frosts. But July is no easy time to direct seed delicate crops like carrots, because we are usually too wet and humid. Last year the germination was poor and I didn't reseed, so we had huge carrots, but not enough of them. This year I hope to be more aggressive about deciding to reseed early enough to make it successful. Who knows, ultimately the weather will decide our fate!

Enjoy the veggies and thanks as always for supporting local food.


I hope you all have a beautiful holiday weekend and take advantage of the sun!