Do you ever wonder what goes into growing the food for your veggie share...? When were those carrots seeded? Why do some crops come and go (like radishes) while others stick around week to week (like mini romaine)? What tool do we use to cut the salad mix? How often do we plant? When will the tomatoes start??
The answers to questions like these play out every single day at the farm, as every single crop has a plan and a story. Sometimes things go as planned, and other times we have to shift and navigate the unexpected. For the most part this season, things are in good shape out in the growing space. In spite of a late spring, the crops are catching up. Garlic leaves are showing brown, which means the harvest is on the horizon. Green tomatoes and peppers are sizing up on the vine. The potato plants are telling me it's time to check the size of the reds, and in the next plot over, the flowers on the bean plants are becoming baby beans. The season of picking is upon us!
There's lots of gorgeous veg available, so check out your share delivery for this week to take advantage of swaps and extras. And as always, enjoy your share!