Farm Happenings at Current Farms
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A Most Memorable Week

Posted on April 15th, 2022 by Conrad Cable

This Week

There is a huge selection of amazingly tasty Spring vegetables in this week's shares! It's been incredible to watch how fast everything is growing. Leafy greens are stunning now that we have dialed in our organic soil amendments. The braising greens mix this week is packed with so many savory greens like collards, kale, mustard, and baby cabbages. Every week we will be getting more and more bundles of kale, mustard, and collards. I added bok choy and cutting celery to the list as well! Stowe Creek has jarred Spring honey they pulled this week, so it will be a different batch than the Fall honey previously in shares. 

Next Week

We could perhaps see the first harvests of green beans and baby yellow squash added to the shares! Additionally, the first of some baby salad beets will be harvestable, as well as, French breakfast radishes (THE BEST RADHISHES)! 

Farm Update 

This was possibly the biggest week in our farm's history, since the day we broke ground. An old mentor of mine, lets call him, Permaculture Steve, let us borrow his BCS walk-behind tractor until we can afford to purchase our own! I offered to pay him a lease and he said "all I want in return is a farm visit and for you to be successful." Steve still operates one of the first market gardens I ever visited, when I began growing food for my home kitchen, more than seven years ago. He taught me how to harvest chickens, build mobile coops, raise bb chicks, and all about fruit guilds. Steve delivered the machine today, and spent the morning teaching us how to use it, and helping us prepare beds for planting. It was a very humbling and meaningful experience for us to receive this equipment, and have him visit a place he helped inspire. This gift has allowed us to focus on walling in and insulating the wash and pack station, so that we can maintain crispy greens even during August. Make sure to give us a follow on social media to check out the new tractor in action! 

For Members

Thank you all for supporting our farm! It's been great to hear your feedback from the kick-off of this season! I love hearing about what you cooked, and what you enjoyed about the shares. I feel through listening to your suggestions, we have created a unique culinary experience for our region. I'm excited about what the rest of this season has in store for your home kitchens. We are going to have some farm share brochures printed soon. I am going to include a few in your shares and ask that you share them with your family, friends, and neighbors who you think would enjoy getting fresh vegetables! We have a goal of thirty farm share spots we are trying to fill over the rest of this season. and we would surely appreciate your help in spreading the word about our farm shares. 

Ruston farm share members, we plan on being at the market on 4-23. Thank y'all so much for working with us while we navigate the changes to the RFM pick up location. 

Fiesta farm share member-did you know this is our most popular pick up location?! There are a lot of y'all this week, and we greatly appreciate when you pick up your share on Tuesday. I stop by on Wednesday mornings, and grab the tubs, because we need to have them washed and ready for the Thursday shares. Fiesta receives their vegetable shipment on Thursday, and they prefer to have lots of room for that in their cooler. Y'all have been doing a great job at picking up so far this season and that means a lot! 

We look forward to spending some time with out families this Easter and I hope the same for you!

Cook something good, ya'hear!?


Conrad Cable