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Farm Happenings at Current Farms
The Blurry Line Between Winter and Spring
Here we are at the end of January, with a great selection of fresh vegetables right from our farm to your home kitchen!
This week, we have a tasty salad and shoots mix, mesclun mix, plus a few bags of lettuce mix. Lots of leafy greens are available, as well as those Sora radishes, purple daikons, a1 read more »
Harvest, Plant, Repeat
Kohlrabi is back! I really enjoyed harvesting those for y'all this week! They have a wonderful color and I can't wait to cook some in my home kitchen later this week! I thinned all of our trays in the propagation tunnel, and kept all of the extra microgreens to make a fun mix for y'all this week.1 read more »
Starting the New Year with an Agriculture Conference!
Hey farm fans! We have a great selection of vegetables for you this week! I just harvested some delicious baby arugula! I can't wait to mix up some tasty salad mixes this week. We will offer both the salad and shoots mix and mesclun mix this week. We had a good lettuce harvest, so there will be a f1 read more »
Happy New Year!
I hope all of you had a Happy New Year, and may you keep all your resolutions!
We have a tasty collection of greens and root crops for you this week! I love the baby ruby streaks mustard greens in the salad mixes, and we have an incredible baby arugula mixed in as well. This time of year, greens ta1 read more »