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Farm Happenings at Current Farms
Welcome to our Spring Farm Share Season!
Kaden and I have been working hard since early January preparing for the season. This is going to be our most bountiful farm share season ever! We have more diversified crops than any other past season, let me tell you about some of them!
New crops we are growing this Spring include fennel,1 read more »
Officially Spring!
Good evening! All orders this week contribute solely to our Spring seed order. It's one of our biggest expenses of the year, and we could really use a good farm stand week so that we can place our order and get those seeds in the ground ASAP! If you haven't ordered from us in while, THIS IS YOUR WE1 read more »
Mid-March Farm Stand
This Week
This is one of the best farm share weeks we have had all season. We have a wonderful selection of produce, so if you don't want salad this week, you have plenty of options. We have a great harvest of beautiful sora radishes and the salad turnips are back! We have some tasty leafy greens l1 read more »
Final Winter Farm Share Delivery!
I hope that you have all enjoyed this Winter farm share season! This was the longest farm share season we have ever had! I have to tell you that I enjoyed the last 8 weeks much more than the first 8 weeks. I know I always mention the Arctic Blast, but it had a severe impact on our operation. I was1 read more »
Food IS Love Farm Stand
This Week
The sun is shining more every day, and we had a great harvest week! The lettuce this week is so beautiful, and we have some of the best bok choy we have ever grown. I think the baby kale crop has been really delicious, plus the braising greens mix will be really diverse this week. I added1 read more »
Happy Women's History Month!
I would like to take moment and celebrate Women's History Month! I don't know a lot, but every meaningful thing I know, worth remembering, I learned from women. Through my literary studies, I came to understand that throughout history, it was not easy, and often downright miserable to be female. Wi1 read more »
Winter Wind Down & When the Spring Farm Share Season Begins
It feels great to have all of our salad mix options back in stock! Spring mix is back, which is only lettuce, Asian greens, and rainbow chard. Our mesclun mix is so tasty right now with the addition of baby kale and ruby steaks mustard greens. And y'all know how good the salad and shoots mixes are!1 read more »