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Farm Happenings at Current Farms
Memorial Day Week Farm Stand
I hope you had a fun and enjoyable Memorial Day weekend! Kaden and I have so many great vegetables ready for harvest this week. I can't wait for you to see what is in your share!
This Week
All types of squash, plus cucumbers are really producing heavily this week! We have been picking every day, t1 read more »
Kicking Off Early Summer, Early
I hope you had a fun and enjoyable Memorial Day weekend! Kaden and I have so many great vegetables ready for harvest this week. I can't wait for you to see what is in your share!
This Week
All types of squash, plus cucumbers are really producing heavily this week! We have been picking every day, t1 read more »
Kaden's Birthday Farm Stand
Kaden and I are harvesting some amazing vegetables for you this week!
This Week!
Late Spring is here, it's over 90 degrees, and we have some of the first early Summer veggies! There is a small amount of the first pickings of cucumbers, bell peppers, zucchini, and patty pan squash, those are1 read more »
Late Spring Harvests
Kaden and I are harvesting some amazing vegetables for you this week!
This Week!
Late Spring is here, it's over 90 degrees, and we have some of the first early Summer veggies! There is a small amount of the first pickings of cucumbers, bell peppers, zucchini, and patty pan squash, those are1 read more »
Mid-May Farm Stand
I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day!
This Week
This is a really special week for Kaden and I! There are more farm shares going out this week than any other week in our farm's history! Thankfully, we had a really good green bean harvest this week! There should be plenty in the inventory f1 read more »
Our Biggest Farm Share Week-EVER!
I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day! We celebrated at the farm on Sunday, with some good food and a few gifts for Franny. I would just like to shout out our Mama! Not only is she a farm share member, but Franny plays a big part in our farm shares. On Fridays, she delivers to all of Union Parish1 read more »
Community Supported Farm Stand
This Week
This will be the crest of the sugar snap pea wave. Today, we harvested more than we ever have! Unfortunately, the warm weather has started early, and this week the plants have fewer blooms, and the new pods are very short. I predict another three weeks of the snap peas. Mesclun Mix is ou1 read more »
The Sugar Snap Pea Wave
Welcome new farm share members! We had an incredible few weeks of sign ups, and 15 new farm share members are joining us this week. Thank you so much for supporting our farm!
This Week
This will be the crest of the sugar snap pea wave. Today, we harvested more than we ever have! Unfortunately, the1 read more »
May You Eat Well Farm Stand
**** If you are on home delivery, please consider leaving a small ice chest out for your farm share. Temperatures are increasing every week, and leafy greens like bok choy, rainbow chard, and beet leaves can wilt if exposed to direct sunlight or when it's above 90 degrees out. Most of our deliverie1 read more »