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Farm Happenings at Current Farms
Hey Y'all, It's National CSA Week!
Our Winter farm share season will draw to a close in about a month, but I think that the shares are getting better every week! The braising greens mix this week is one of the best ones we have harvested in months. It has pac choi, bok choy, Asian greens, ruby streaks mustard greens, purple kohlrabi1 read more »
Happy National CSA Week!
Our Winter farm share season will draw to a close in about a month, but I think that the shares are getting better every week! The braising greens mix this week is one of the best ones we have harvested in months. It has pac choi, bok choy, Asian greens, ruby streaks mustard greens, purple1 read more »
Valentine's Farm Stand
Farm Stand Members,
I apologize that we have not had enough produce to offer the farm stand each week. The Arctic Blast last December destroyed a number of crops we should have been harvesting since mid-January. After fulfilling orders for the Winter farm shares and restaurants, we haven't had enou1 read more »
Spring In Bloom
It's feeling like Spring more and more each week! The outdoor lettuce is really growing strong, so we have a good amount of lettuce mixes, plus some amazing salad mixes. Baby kale is back in the mesclun mix, plus we harvested some beautiful ruby streaks mustard greens. Sadly, we have pulled all of1 read more »
Happy Valentine's From Your Favorite Farmers!
Good evening farm share members! We have a loaded share for y'all this week! Lots of root crops, plus a delicious selection of salad greens! New this week is our microgreen mix! We added arugula and red radish microgreens to our pea shoots and sunflower shoots, for a mix that we have never offered1 read more »
Farm Shares in February!
Good morning farm share members! We have a great selection of farm fresh veggies, plus some fantastic farm goods for you this week! Rainbow radishes are back! I love these radishes--the colorful mix not only tastes great, but looks amazing on a plate! We harvested the last of the purple daikon rad1 read more »