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Farm Happenings at Current Farms
July 4th Farm Stand!
It is peak fruit season in Louisiana, and we have an incrEDIBLE selection for you this week!
-Thompson's Peaches
-Sweet Treats (Sweet Cherry/Red Plum grafted fruit)
-Shiro Plums
-Fresh Blueberries
There's even more tasty veggies for your family get together!
-Fresh sweet corn
-Cucumbe1 read more »
You Don't Want To Miss This Week's Farm Shares!
You know it's going to be a great farm share week when even your farmer is this excited! We have some very special crops in the line-up this week!
What's Fresh This Week?
-Fresh Sweet Corn (Armstrong Farm)
-Fresh Purple Hull Peas & Butterbeans (Joywalk Daylily Farm)
-Fresh Blueberr1 read more »
Peak Fruit Season!
We haven't been able to run the farm stand as frequently this season as in the past. I apologize for that. This is the first season we have ever reached our farm share capacity and completely sold out of memberships. To keep up with our restaurants and retail clients, there just hasn't been any pro1 read more »
Happenings Are Back!
I apologize for not posting farm happenings for the past few weeks. We are having wi-fi issues at the farm, and for several weeks I wasn't even been able to even open an email on the desktop. Problems might continue for a few more weeks until we switch over to our new internet service provider.&nbs1 read more »