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Farm Happenings at Current Farms
Spring/Summer Farm Share Final Delivery Part 1
This is a special week! For some bi-weekly farm share members, this is your last delivery of this season. This has been our longest growing season ever, and Kaden and I are celebrating the goals we set all the way back in January. This season has been challenging on a number of different fronts, b1 read more »
Mid-Summer Farm Shares
Halfway through with the hottest month on record, means that we are halfway through summer! I love farming and working outside, but these past few weeks have been tough work and I am feeling physically and mentally drained. Our crops have been affected by this summer being all extra extra, but most1 read more »
Peak Summer Farm Shares
***New farm share packaging begins this week***
This Week
The fruit harvests continue, so we will have both watermelons and cantaloupes back this week! This succession of tomatoes peaked last week, and our harvest this week is not as fruitful. Kaden and I believe we have Southern bacterial wilt aff1 read more »
Fruit Shares!
This Week
I'm really excited out farm shares this week! We are adding three new fruits, watermelons from Joywalk Daylily Farm plus cantaloupes and cucaloupes grown at our farm in Marion. The watermelons are all medium-large grade, some are 14+lbs with sweet, red fruit. Our cantaloupes didn't get v1 read more »