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Farm Happenings at Current Farms
Happy Memorial Day!
Happy Memorial Day everyone! Kaden and I have learned that vegetables don't take holidays, so this Memorial Day really snuck up on me. We are fully recovered and are back to our regular farming selves. Keep you eyes out for next week. We are really behind on our summer plantings. We are working har1 read more »
Fruit Season Is Ramping Up!
Kaden and I are really excited about this week, because on Wednesday we will be making our first trip of the season to pick fruit at Dennis' Orchard in Oak Grove! Over the next few weeks, we will have some AMAZING fruit options for the farm shares! This week, we will be offering "Pluots" which are1 read more »
Goodbye Strawberries, Hello Peaches!
This is a really special week because we have two amazing fruits available! This will be the last week for Louisiana strawberries, but will be the first week of Thompson's peaches! I haven't had a fresh peach since September 2022, so I can't wait to go see Farmer Louis this week for some of the bes1 read more »