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Mid-May Farm Stand

Posted on May 15th, 2023 by Conrad Cable

I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day! 

This Week

This is a really special week for Kaden and I! There are more farm shares going out this week than any other week in our farm's history! Thankfully, we had a really good green bean harvest this week! There should be plenty in the inventory for everyone! New this week we have French breakfast radishes. The carrots this week will not be colorful, but will be the largest grade of orange carrots. These are for sure some of the best we have ever grown! We are trialing some new varieties of lettuce. This week, we will have a great deal on the Vulcan lettuce. It is separate in the inventory from the lettuce mix. We will harvest the entire head, and pack several in a 1/2 lb bag. We wash all of our lettuce, but just know that when the head is left intact, it's not as easy to remove every bug or speck of dirt during our post-harvest process. 



Next Week

Colorful carrots will be back in a few weeks, but we have to sell all of the first succession before we move on to the next planting. I'm really hoping that any week now our squash inventory will be blowing up. Zucchini too, and cucumbers are not far away! We will harvest all of the beets soon, so they will come without their greens. PO-TA-TOES!!!!


Farm Update

Busy, busy, busy!! This week, we have two, part time volunteers/workers coming to help us out. Each is going to put in around 10 hours a week, enough to keep Kaden and I from having to work Sundays! I love being out at the farm, but dadgum, sometimes I need a day off. I can work all day outside if its below 88 degrees, but any hotter and I don't have nearly the same amount of fun or enjoyment, but hey, I chose this life! 

We trellised all of the tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants, and peppers! This week I'm going to plant a lot of butternut squash. I also cleared out a lot of mustard green beds that we are flipping over to lima and pole beans. We are only at mid-Spring, but planting for our late Summer/Fall shares is about to get underway! September will be here before you know it!