Hey all,
It's been another busy week of harvesting here on the farm. September can be hard but it always feels rewarding to bring in beautiful crops after a hard summer of work.
Some of the fall vegetables have thrived in the cool nights this week. Spinach, radishes, turnips, and more are growing nicely and should be back in shares soon!
Pictured: some baby strawberry plants. These little guys will develop robust roots through the fall so that come spring time, they can make big plants and lots of berries. The plants growing in between the rows are oats and peas. Those oats and peas will protect/build the soil and block weeds from growing.
Finally, tonight is one of our signature events: Harvest Fest. Bus loads of students will arrive from campus this evening to enjoy some farm french fries, the last few watermelon, fresh pressed apple cider, line dancing, and a big bon fire. The crew and I are excited to share the magic of farm evenings with students.
Enjoy your produce!