Farm Happenings at Dickinson College Farm
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Farm Happenings for August 9, 2024

Posted on August 5th, 2024 by Alex Smith

Hey all,

Sorry for the late email - I got wrapped up in farming this morning! We are hustling to get things in ship-shape before the rains this week.

In addition to all of the planting, harvesting, cultivating, and other farm work, this is high composting season for us too. For years, we have aggregated food waste from the College and area restaurants. We mix that food waste with on-farm waste and bulk materials from area landscapers such as wood chips, leaves, and mulch. By carefully combining those items, our piles get hot (around 150-160F) for a period of about 6 weeks. Afterwards, they are set aside to cure for at least six months. The result is a microbially rich compost that has a high concentration of plant soluble nutrients. Composting is one of the cornerstones of our growing philosophy...

That being said, as of last week, Farmer Matt's new anaerobic digestor is up and running and producing electricity - we are converting food waste to electricity! Most of our food waste will proceed to the digestor from now on, but we will be able to use the byproduct of that process as the main ingredient in our "old fashioned" compost system going forward.

Cantaloupes are in! They are a favorite in our household and they are extra tasty this year. We think we did a pretty good job picking them in the field for ripeness and quality but sometimes it is hard to tell. If you get one that doesn't seem great, or is underripe, please let us know. We will get you a new one.

Pictured:  part of a beautiful crop of onions we harvested last week.

Have a great week and enjoy the veggies!



Please note that not all produce in your share has been washed, including leafy greens. We recommend you wash all produce prior to eating.