Farm Happenings at Dickinson College Farm
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Farm Happenings for August 6, 2024

Posted on August 2nd, 2024 by Alex Smith

Hey all,

Another hot, busy week here on the farm. We hauled in a mega pile of potatoes as well as all of the onions for 2024. The potatoes are neatly organized in the root cellar and the onions are laid out to cure in the barn and one of the greenhouses. The students and apprentices kicked butt through these long, tedious harvests on some extra hot days. We also planted more broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage for the fall; put some of our spring veggies fields in cover crop, and continued remodeling one of our greenhouses.

Peppers are starting to roll in. We even picked the first few ripe tomatoes today. I expect we will have lots to offer later next week. I found a few ripe cantaloupe this afternoon as well.

Have a great weekend!



Please note that not all produce in your share has been washed, including leafy greens. We recommend you wash all produce prior to eating.