Farm Happenings at Dickinson College Farm
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Farm Happenings for September 3, 2024

Posted on August 30th, 2024 by Alex Smith

Happy CSA picnic day!

Today is the last for our summer student crew - they head back to class on Monday. This summer, they have developed tons of skills here on the farm that I'm hopeful will serve them well. 

It is fitting that our last CSA of the summer crew is packed with all of the summer favorites:  watermelon, corn, tomatoes, peppers, and more!

Pictured:  our first official trial with adding "digestate" to compost piles. We have transitioned our food waste collection from our compost piles to the new biogas facility. At "biogas" we turn the food waste into methane and that methane into electricity. However, at the end of the chain, there is a resulting slurry product rich in nitrogen. We are collecting that final byproduct and introducing into our compost materials. This has been a long time coming to reach this final stage of the project. I'm excited to fit our vegetable soil's fertility needs into this neatly crafted food waste diversion effort.

Have a great weekend!



Please note that not all produce in your share has been washed, including leafy greens. We recommend you wash all produce prior to eating.