Farm Happenings at Jade Family Farm
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dark but not gloomy

Posted on May 30th, 2021 by John Eisenstein

I can't quite understand why the dark gray sky, persistent drizzle and high temps in the low fifties on Memorial Day weekend is found "gloomy".  Does not the dullness of the sky set off the verdant tree leaves all the more emphatically?  Do not the birds sing all the louder, and more sweetly?  Do not the ceaseless play of the clouds against the mountain ridges entertain and delight?  Hope you're feeling as cheerful as I am!

New this week are strawberries, which presumably need no introduction, red giant mustard, and swiss chard.  The dry summer last year just as the strawberry plants were setting runners makes for a smaller crop this year than we'd hoped, but there are at least enough for everybody to get a taste.  Sometimes Harvie does funny things-- if you find you don't have any strawberries in your share proposal and do want some, please email me and I'll make sure you get some.

Red giant mustard-- hot and spicy, can be cooked or eaten raw for those who like to feel their sinuses come alive!!  Very, very delicious made into a pesto in place of basil.

Swiss chard is actually a kind of beet grown for the leaves.  When cooked well-- something I manage to do about one time in nine, but that I think, has more to do with my abilities as a chef than the nature of the plant-- when cooked well, as I was saying, it is unsurpassed as a green, leaving kale, spinach, yes, even senposai far behind.  When not cooked well its still okay.  

Here are a few pics of what's coming next week (I think):

don't forget my email jadefamilyfarm at  and cell phone number (for texting, calling doesn't work too well) 717 585 4897