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Farm Happenings at Jade Family Farm
It's said comets are harbingers of doom
Yes, I hear quite often that comets are harbingers of doom, but I'm just a simple peasant, not an astronomer, so I can't really say if it is true. But what better harbinger of fall is there than a tree of nearly ripe quinces, as pictured above? I'm sharing that picture solely for the be1 read more »
what are kiwiberries?
Imagine, if you will, a kiwi, such as you would find in the produce aisle of your local supermarket. Now, take all the flavor of that kiwi and compress it into the size of a small grape. Now, change the skin from hairy and tough to smooth and tender-- that is a kiwiberry. The quar1 read more »
The rain it raineth every day
Just as we were finally drying out from Ida, I woke this morning to the sound of rain on the roof, the air chilly and damp. How quickly the seasons change! The first of the kale (pictured above) is ready to pick, and summer favorites like okra and zucchini have had their massive daily p1 read more »