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Farm Happenings at Jade Family Farm
grow onions, not bunions
Hello! We started on the main onion harvest the other day. Pictured above is some of the harvest curing in the barn. Up until now, you've been getting fresh sweet onions, since they are the first to mature and do not store well. Now that the other types will be available in1 read more »
Livin' la Vida Okra!
Those of you who have been with us for a while are already quite familiar with my favorite vegetable, okra-- some of you are probably more familiar with it than you would wish. But for those of you who are new to it, I'd like to introduce you to it, and encourage you to try some. 1 read more »
Eeww! Gross!
Yesterday I was walking through the orchard when the above colony of caterpillars caught my eye. I asked them what they thought they were doing-- who had invited them to this tree--- but they didn't answer and kept on eating. Although I would prefer to "live and let live", these guys we1 read more »