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Farm Happenings at Jade Family Farm
feelin' goosey
Hi everyone,
Super short and quick message this week as want to go out and harvest lettuce before it gets to be super hot. We have a few gooseberries this week-- not the crop we dream about but not bad considering the youth of many of the plants and a good piece better than last y1 read more »
safety first!
Good morning!
The above picture is of Evelyn securely nestled in the tractor bucket picking cherries too high to reach by normal means, from a big old cherry tree a furlong or so from our farmhouse. Here is my father standing by the trunk:
Dad turned 81 in February and likes any creature olde1 read more »
Aahh, blessed rain!
Hi everyone!
I'm still having horrible wifi problems, so the above picture of the peas is from last year, and, once again, all the farm pictures from last week will have to wait. Peas are new this week. We grow the "snap" variety, which is an edible podded type. Snap o1 read more »
Brood X
I'm having some grave issues with my wifi, and so am unable to transfer all the lovely farm photos I took this week to this here newsletter. Alas! The images of beautiful butterflies, first zucchini fruit of the season and the patch of giant thistles in the midst of t1 read more »