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Farm Happenings at Jade Family Farm
a dish with radish
New this week is watermelon radish, pictured above. Watermelon radishes are one of the so- called "winter radishes" because their excellent storage abilities enable them to be enjoyed all winter. They are quite mild and easy to eat raw, although they are also quite good in a stir1 read more »
so annoying!
There are many things I should have done differently in growing these brussels sprouts (pictured above)-- to wit, I should have fertilized them adequately. And given them enough water, not to mention weeded them more than the single desultory hoeing they received. Probably it woul1 read more »
special today-- no wasabi
Not too long ago I researched pretty thoroughly how hard it would be to grow wasabi here in Central Pennsylvania without massive interventions in terms of climate. The answer: it isn't possible. Enter wasabini mustard greens, pictured above, which, according to the seed catalogue, tastes "jus1 read more »
Nothing to see here!
This is a very enjoyable time of year for us, especially when the weather is mild. There is enough to do in terms of harvesting so that we aren't bored or idle, but there is very little pressure to plant or weed or any of the other myriad things that HAVE to get done TODAY during the regular1 read more »
what is that thing?
That thing pictured above is a head of sugarloaf chicory, available today in very limited quantities. It is one of my very favorite vegetables but quite a challenge to grow. To make matters worse, it is an absolute favorite with deer, and although we don't have a lot1 read more »