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Farm Happenings at Jade Family Farm
a midsummer's night dream about peas
Pictured above is a "Tokyo Bekana" cabbage that didn't get harvested in time, now exploding in an unruly riot of growth and color. Pretty, no? Sometimes there is a tension between what we as growers want a plant to do and what the plant wants to do. This wasn't a problem with the1 read more »
a strange sense of calm
Good morning!
It's a bizarre contrast, reading the morning news and seeing the disturbing images contained therein, while at the same time being serenaded by exuberant birdsong (just after dawn) or crickets (nighttime) and enjoying the spectacular sight of fireflies against the darker woods (n1 read more »
which hand has the kohlrabi in it?
Well, last week's delivery went better than the first week-- which wasn't hard-- hopefully all the kinks are worked out now. I'm going to write only a very short farm update his week as I am eager-- almost desperate-- to plant the winter squash today, and still need to get the f1 read more »