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Farm Happenings at Jade Family Farm
Not really domestic livestock
The above picture, of Evelyns' cat Misti Pokey, has nothing to do with agriculture. She barely even catches mice. But we see her every day, both in the house at 5 A. M. when she thinks its time for breakfast, and outdoors, where there are lots of little things for a k1 read more »
We had a good hard frost on Sunday morning, as you can see from the above picture of some broccolis wondering what happened to Summer. We spent much of the day Friday and Saturday harvesting all the tomatoes and peppers that we could, in anticipation. Most of the tomatoes weren't fully1 read more »
Don't even point at it!!
I was striding purposefully through the fields with manly gait one day, as is my habit, when I chanced upon this lovely specimen. What otherworldly beauty! Such exquisite flowers, and such spiky fruit! Everything about it looks lovely and very poisonous. How can something "l1 read more »