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Farm Happenings at Jade Family Farm
winding down
I'm told we're about to get some real wintery weather coming up, so this will likely be the last delivery for a while. PLEASE NOTE: Because of the forecast snow, delivery will be on FRIDAY, not Thursday! I'll be spending Thursday digging out. Pictured above is t1 read more »
Winding down
Hello! I'm told we're about to get some very cold weather, so this is most likely the last delivery for a while. Pictured above is the semispicy baby greens mix-- it's the same as the fall salad mix, minus the lettuce-- containing tat soi, bok choy, mizuna, mustards, rapini, arugula I t1 read more »
Isn't that just a pile of sticks?
Every week I try to take at least one nice picture of some beautiful growing plant or fun farm activity, but during winter nothing is growing, and we aren't too engaged in fun farming activities either. We did start winter pruning of our fruit trees, though, hence the little piles of sticks e1 read more »