- The Summer solstice (day with the most daylight) was Saturday and along with it the Alabama heat! These hot long summer days also mean the beginning of corn harvest! One of our family friends plant a corn patch in Brundidge each spring, and this year they are sharing some of their harvest of Peaches and Cream corn with your family. Speaking of family we would like to introduce our fur babies and "The Gate Keepers"! Many of you picking up at farm may have seen them pressed against the gate when your car pulls into the drive. Before Covid-19 they would greet everyone picking up at the farm with lots of dog kisses and begging for petting. Pictured from left to right is... Elli, Bear, Pandy and Lilly. The white dogs are Great Pyrenees and our resident senior is a Black Lab mix that we rescued 14 years ago. We got Elli when she was 4 months old to raise with our chickens to protect them from fox, hawks, coyotes, owls, raccoons and possums (everything loves chickens and eggs)! When she was just shy of a year old our neighbors Pyrenees/Bernese Mix dog jumped our fence and as they say "The rest is history". Elli had 7 beautiful puppies and 2 of those Pandy and Lilly were added to our clan.
- We are now in week 9 and I have had many questions about our Fall CSA. While it seems way too early to think about Fall we will be starting new seedlings in mid August. Most of you opted for the auto renew so you will automatically be in our Fall Session. If your not sure please give that a look on your Harvie account. Reminder we do not have deliveries for the week of July 4th. We pray you all have a safe and fun holiday! Thank you for supporting small local farms!

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