I don't have much time to sit on social media, but every now and then it is a nice break. Have you seen the meme floating around that says good bye to one bad month and makes fun of the next shoe to drop in the next? Well, I want to flip that on its head if I can. I, for one, am excited about August.
To be candid, the last few months have been pretty hard on us and our staff to get us to this point in the season. But, happily, our work is about to yield a ton of abundance in August. This month a magic moment for all of us as our early season work begins to bear fruit, and I mean literal fruits. During the next month you are going to see and eat various peppers, eggplants, tomatoes, cucumbers, cantaloupes, and melons. Plus we will be adding leeks, shallots, onions, garlic and beans to your shares. Soon the fall crops will start up and you will see even more diversity. After working hard since February, it is deeply heartening to see our work start to bear fruit.
Fruit Share - For those that signed up for a fruit share, this week will start the official "classic" fruit season in Colorado. Makes me salivate thinking about the goodies that lie ahead of us over the rest of the season. It is our goal to put your fruit shares in your CSA Box. If there is too much abundance to fit in one box, there will be a separate box with your fruit. Any separately boxed fruit shares will have a tag on the box so you know it is yours.
This week we will have a bag of Shiro Plums and a bag Peaches. The Shiro plum is a large, round yellow plum with an excellent, sweet flavor and sunshine yellow translucent flesh that is ridiculously juicy.
For all of our CSA Members, when we have extra fruit we will put it on as an add on and you can add these to your shares.
Have a great weekend