View from the Tractor
We are harvesting peppers and tomatoes like mad right now. Every week we fill our walk-ins and then send it out to our members and customers. It truly feels like a tidal flow of flavors and colors in our wash station. I am excited about the diversity of crops we have right now. Soon we will be harvesting cantaloupes to add a sweet muskiness to the shares.
We have also started to cure our onions and winter squashes. This is a clear sign for me that summer is moving on. Before you know it the mornings will be crisp and the peaks will be dusted in snow if only for a moment before the sun melts it away. Enjoy the warm days and periodic rain of late August.
With gratitude,
The Farmers at Kilt Farm
Fruit Share
This week we will have anther round of peaches and we will have plenty of fruit for add-ons. You may be feeling a little overwhelmed by peaches, but apples and pears are on their way as the weather starts to cool.
Add Ons - 2024 Kilt Farm Honey
It is that time of year when the hives on our farm get harvested and processed. Starting last week, we have had the 2024 honey going into the shares. It is always amazing to see what the honey tastes like from this season's weather and flowers. This is a liquid raw honey, not the creamed honey. We will keep the creamed honey available if anyone would like spreadable honey. Raw honey will solidify over time even if stored at room temperature.
Sauce Tomatoes
Now that we are deep in the tomato flow, we have flats of overripe tomatoes that are perfect for making your perfect tomato sauce. No better way to get a taste of summer in the dead of winter than cracking open your own jar of Kilt Farm tomato sauce. These flats will be delivered to your CSA pick up site or home delivery and will be labeled with your name.
15# Red Ripe Tomatoes - $30
Thank you so much for being a member of the farm. We can't do it with out you.