Farm Happenings at Kilt Farm
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Autumnal Equinox - Week 15 CSA

Posted on September 20th, 2024 by Michael Moss


View from the Tractor 

This weekend we reach the Autumnal Equinox on Sunday. This is when the length of the day is equal in the Northern and Southern Hemisphere. After this weekend the days will have less than 12 hours of light and each day will become noticeably shorter. Before you know it the jackets (and for me, the pants) will come out. I am welcoming fall with open arms. A slightly slower pace will be good for all of the farmers in the area. 

I am sure that when the clouds part this weekend we will probably be able to see the first solid new snow up on the divide. While I do not anticipate frosts at the farm with this first real taste of cool weather we will see our summer crops start to slow way down. While the temps may rebound next week, we are coming to the end of our summer fruit season. The cooler weather will bring us new flavors including a new carrot variety this week plus beets and winter squash. Over the last few weeks of the CSA we will have arugula, braising mix, salads, broccoli, turnips and more winter squashes plus an amazing potato medley and more. 

Enjoy a nice cool weekend and potential some much needed rain. 

With deepest gratitude,

Michael and the Farmers at Kilt Farm

Fruit Share

I hope you enjoyed your Honeycrisp apples last week. I am eating one or two a day to keep the doctor away. There are two more weeks of fruit share left so this week we are changing it up with a large bag Bartlett Pears. They are amazing and a different fruit as it needs to ripen. 

The ripening process should take seven to ten days. To speed up ripening, place the pears in a tightly sealed paper bag at room temperature. The fruit gives off ethylene gas, which accumulates in the bag and promotes ripening. For long-term storage, refrigerate unripened pears at a temperature of 32 to 35°F.

The Bartlett pear is a unique pear in that its skin color brightens as it ripens, unlike other varieties of pears that show little color change as they ripen. So, how do you prefer your Bartlett pear? Do you crave it crunchy and tart? Go for it when the skin is green! How about moist and mildly sweet? Yellow-green would be for you. Do you desire a burst of super sweet juice? Then let your pear ripen until it reaches a golden yellow hue. Remember, all pears need to ripen at room temperature!

If you need some more Honeycrisp we still have 3# bags available as add ons. 


Thank you so much for being a member of the farm. We can't do it with out you.