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Farm Happenings at NWPA Growers Co-op
Winter CSA Week 1
I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. Since we have a large family (7 children plus one has a family of his own) and we see each other regularly, we had a houseful of love and good food. The photo is of our turkey, purchased from Moose Farm who provided some of the turkeys we1 read more »
CSA Week 24
This is it! The final week in this CSA season. This year has been a challenging one in many ways, but it has also brought a lot of good with it. In this season of Thanksgiving, your farmers are thankful for health and the ability to grow food for our communities. We are also1 read more »
CSA Week 23
The season is almost over! Only this week and next left in the current CSA season. Or if you're an every-other-week member, this could be your final week. Our season ends November 18/19, one week before Thanksgiving.
We are continuing sign-ups for Winter CSA, but due to a smaller1 read more »