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Farm Happenings at NWPA Growers Co-op
CSA Week 9 August 3-4
Even though many people's thoughts have turned toward back-to-school, we are just entering into the second third of the growing season. We have eight weeks behind us, leaving 16 more full of delicious local food for you.
We continue to add more peak of the summer veggies to boxes1 read more »
CSA Week 8 July 27-28
I got a new laptop recently, and a lot of my emails to people have been going to their spam folder. I have no idea why, so please check your spam/junk folder and mark my email address (amy@nwpagrowers.com) as safe.
I have received a few emails recently about the veggie selection this year, so1 read more »
CSA Week 7 - July 20-21
This week's features
Red Tomatoes from Detweiler Farm! Only 15 pounds available, so customize your share early to grab them.
Lots of Carrots from Glacial Till Farm
Leeks from Spur Hollow Farm
Mixed Green and Yellow Beans from Detweiler Farm
Spinach from Harmony Grove Farm
New flavors of Humm1 read more »
CSA Week 6 July 12-14
This week's features
Our first tomatoes! We have just 12 lbs of Black Beauty heirloom tomatoes this week from Humble Bee and Tree Farm (more on the way!) so I left them out of the prebuilt shares. If you're really quick you can grab a pound, but please don't be greedy so 11 others can e1 read more »