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Farm Happenings at NWPA Growers Co-op
CSA Week 22
Farming in the fall and winter brings different challenges than summer work. With the decreasing daylight, our farmers will often wear headlamps to harvest and prep produce. The photo is of Glacial Till Farm's spinach harvest inside their new high tunnel. Derek had planted spinach1 read more »
CSA Week 21
How about some giant kohlrabi?? I put this beauty from Detweiler Farm next to my Jack-O-Lantern pumpkin for size comparison. This baby measures about 9 inches in diameter, but it's still tender inside. Many of you love kohlrabi, but some of you may be wondering what in the world y1 read more »
CSA Week 20
It's Week 20 of our CSA season! Only 4 more weeks to go after this. It seems unreal that it's already the middle of October. The weather has been perfect for vibrant leaf color this year. Maple trees not only give us delicious syrup, but they also give us the best fall color1 read more »
CSA Week 19
This is our delivery van all packed for Wednesday deliveries. It is stacked to the ceiling almost all the way back. Because of all the larger items like pumpkins and broccoli, we are using almost all large boxes right now, which fills up the van. It takes some creative packing to1 read more »
CSA Week 18 News
Well, I was wrong. I thought the sweet corn would be finished by now, but Detweiler Farm has quite a bit more for at least one more week. Giant broccoli is on the menu again, too. Hakurei turnips and green beans make a reappearance for some of you, but we have limited quantities o1 read more »