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Farm Happenings at NWPA Growers Co-op
Winter CSA Week 1 Dec. 1
I hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving, filled with good food and loving family and friends. Please read this email through for further info about your share (or as a reminder to continuing members).
Share Customization: This email tells you what is planned for your CSA Sh1 read more »
CSA Week 24 November 17-18
We are at our final week of the season. We have had some bumps along the way with some veggies not meeting our expectations from one farm, but we hope that you have been pleased with your shares overall. I can tell that you like choosing exactly what is in your share each week because 71 read more »
CSA Week 23 November 10-11
Wow! We are at Week 23 of 24 already! Where has the season gone?!? For some of you who have every-other-week shares, this is your final week of this season's CSA. Thank you for entrusting us with feeding your family this year. We welcome any feedback you have about your expe1 read more »