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Farm Happenings at NWPA Growers Co-op
Winter CSA Week 1 Nov. 30
We hope you all had a happy Thanksgiving and you had the chance to get together with family and friends to give thanks for the beautiful world in which we live.
Some of our farmers are on vacation for the week, so our veggie offerings are a little sparse. Our lettuce mixes didn't make it thro1 read more »
CSA Week 24 November 16-17
Our final week is here! Thank you all for supporting our small family farms with your food dollars. That means a lot in this time of rising food costs. We hope that we have given you quality food and good value in your boxes.
We are preparing an end-of-season survey, so plea1 read more »
CSA Week 23 November 9-10
We are in the final two weeks of our season! Can you believe it? For those of you with biweekly shares, that means that this is your final week. Have you signed up for Winter CSA yet?
sign up here
Thank you for supporting our small family farms this season. We strive to brin1 read more »