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Farm Happenings at NWPA Growers Co-op
Important announcement!!! This week only we will be closing the share customization period and the Webstore at 1 p.m. on Sunday.
If you don't usually read these emails, you can stop here. :-)
We are 2/3 through the season, with 16 of our 24 weeks completed. We have had a few patch1 read more »
CSA Week 16
This is Week 16, which means we're 3/4 of the way through the season. We're working on details for our Winter CSA, trying to determine how many boxes we can fill in the winter and which pickup locations we should serve over the winter.
Featured photo: At Glacial Till Farm we always harv1 read more »
CSA Week 15
We are so thankful that you entrust a portion of your family's food to our group of small family farmers. Did you know that a small farm can have up to $250,000 in sales per year according to the USDA? None of our farms is anywhere near that threshold.
We are also thankful for you1 read more »
CSA Week 14
No, we don't have strawberries available now, but I bet the photo caught your eye. Local strawberries are only available in June. A farm update from Detweiler Farm, one of our Amish farms.
We have been working on our strawberry beds, getting them ready for next season. 1 read more »