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Farm Happenings at NWPA Growers Co-op
CSA Week 13
The big news of this week: We are loving this rain! It is just what our crops need right now, a good soaking rain over a few days.
We are only halfway through our CSA season. Can you believe it? Many people think that because summer is coming to an end that CSA should end, t1 read more »
CSA Week 12
The biggest “news” from your farmers this week is DRY. While this dry weather pattern is great for outdoor activities, it is not good for farm crops. Some of our fields are irrigated, but others depend on the kindness of Mother Nature to water our crops. Every time the1 read more »
Week 11 update
I sat down to type a a farm update, and I realize that I don't really have much to share. All of your farmers are super busy on our farms, but there isn't really anything new. Since the weather has been so dry, many are cutting and baling hay. We are spending long hours harvesting1 read more »
CSA Week 10
By Thursday evening, each of our farmers gives me a list with expected harvests for the following week so I can plan your CSA Shares and update the Webstore. Many of our growers email their list, and on Monday morning I email them their final orders for the week. But that doesn't work f1 read more »