Well, I'm very thankful that the intense heat and humidity was here on a weekend, not during the week!
So we could rest and go the beach, rather than attempt to be out prepping beds and planting. We're doing lots of that this week. First, we're planting a second round of napa cabbage (including some of those stunning purple beauties we first grew last year) and the 9th (?!) round of lettuce. Then we'll work on prepping beds for another round chicories (lots of different radicchios plus sugarloaf), beets and herbs.
We've also got some weeding to do -- to help some crops grow, ease my mind when I look at the field, and have the garden in fine shape for Saturday. What's happening Saturday? Our Farm Tour! Come on out to see how we grow veg and to see our exciting agroforestry projects (that's the stuff we are doing in the forest and the hundreds of trees we've been planting)! 3 pm. Use googlemaps "Persephone Market Garden" to find us. Don't trust your GPS.